第29回まんが甲子園について(29th Manga Koshien)

ホーム > 漫画家大会議 新着情報 > 「ガールズ&パンツァー もっとらぶらぶ作戦です!」      高知旅編PR > > > くさか里樹先生から応援メッセージ > 高知インディーズマガジン「りぐる企画」代表 安岡京子さんインタビュー > 令和2年度全国高等学校漫画選手権大会(まんが甲子園)について > 第29回まんが甲子園について(29th Manga Koshien)

更新日 : 2020/04/22





On April 9, 2020, we announced the postponement in releasing the 29th Manga Koshien’s preliminary round themes. However, as a nationwide state of emergency was declared, based on the Act on Special Measures concerning Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases, on April 16, we, the Manga Koshien Office, are now considering further changes to the event period and content of Manga Koshien. These changes will be based on future developments in the nationwide situation.
Therefore, the preliminary round themes and information regarding the main round will be announced at a later date when compared to prior years. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will release information about the event, such as the event period and content, once they are decided. Thank you for your cooperation.


 2020년 4월 9일, 제29회 만화 고시엔 예선테마 발표 연기를 안내해드렸습니다. 4월 16일에 코로나19와 관련하여 일본 전국에 긴급사태선언이 발령됨에 따라, 대회 사무국에서는 대회 개최시기와 개최방법 등에 대해 앞으로의 상황을 고려해 검토하고자 합니다.
 이에 예선테마 등 대회정보 발표가 예년보다 늦어지는 점 양해 부탁드립니다.
 개최방법과 개최시기 등이 결정되는대로 발표하도록 하겠습니다.




