There are many manga-related tourist sites in Kochi, including but not limited to the Anpanman Museum, dedicated to the iconic character Anpanman, and a museum filled with exhibits by world-renowned figurine maker Kaiyodo. Visitors can find statues of manga characters and monuments to Manga Koshien award-winning manga artworks while walking around the city.
Kochi is geographically wide from east to west, and tourist sites are scattered all over the prefecture, making it hard to see them all in a short time. It is recommended to visit them over several days by taking Anpanman Trains, Anpanman Buses and Hobby Trains to get around.
Please enjoy the tourist sites of Kochi while basking in its unique manga culture.

  • West
  • Central
  • East

Kaiyodo Hobby Museum Shimanto

Kaiyodo Hobby Museum Shimanto

This museum was established in the gymnasium of an elementary school that had been closed. It is located in a rural area, making it hard to reach, but the museum has a lot to offer. It is filled with exhibits, including valuable collections made and accumulated by Kaiyodo, such as character figurines and old plastic models.

Kaiyodo Kappa Museum

Kaiyodo Kappa Museum

This first-in-the-world kappa museum is filled with 600 items featuring Japan’s mythical river creature that were selected from the award-winning art pieces submitted for the “Shimanto River Kappa Figure Contest.” The number of kappa creations made by chain saws continues to increase. The unique shape of the museum building, built using the trees and soil of Shimanto Town, is an attraction in its own right.

Stone Statue of Yusuke Aoyagi

Stone Statue of Yusuke Aoyagi

A statue of the late Yusuke Aoyagi sketching while looking at a blue sky and the sea can be seen on Furusato Beach in Nakatosa-cho, Kure, where his manga “Tosa no Ippon Zuri” takes place.

Manga Shrine

Manga Shrine

The shrine is very impressive because of its colorful roofs. Many high school students who participate in Manga Koshien come here to pray for victory prior to the competition.
Address: Onomihashidani, Nakatosa-cho, Takaoka-gun, Kochi

Railroad Hobby Train

Railroad Hobby Train

This JR train, outwardly designed to resemble the first-generation 0 series of Shinkansen bullet trains, runs between Uwajima Station, Ehime Prefecture, and Kubokawa Station, Kochi Prefecture. Many models of previous-generation bullet trains are displayed in showcases on the train.
See the URL below for train schedules and other information.

Kaiyodo Hobby Train

Kaiyodo Hobby Train

This train runs between Kubokawa Station, Kochi Prefecture, and Uwajima Station, Ehime Prefecture. The floor, curtains and seats of the train are all designed to invoke the world of dinosaurs. There is also a showcase on the train displaying many figurines.
See the URL below for train schedules and other information.